Some Time Between Us

_MG_7327Some Time Between Us is a project initiated by Emily Fitzgerald and the Hollywood Senior Center to bring together a group of 22 middle school students from Beaumont Middle School and older adults from the Hollywood Senior Center.

Fitzgerald and the Hollywood Senior Center group previously worked on the project Being Old in 2015.

The group spent six weeks investigating their individual and cultural expression of identity, independence, and interdependence through storytelling, writing, and photography.

The work is installed at TriMet bus shelters throughout Portland, Oregon (for locals these are located at NE 41st Ave and Fremont St, NE 33rd Ave and Killingsworth St, NE 27th Ave and Killingsworth St, SE Cesar Chavez Blvd and Stark St, and NE Sandy Blvd and 42nd Ave), but permanent installations can be found on view at the Hollywood Senior Center and (soon) at Beaumont Middle School.

This installation design attempts to demonstrate the intergenerational exchange, individual personal reflections, and questions generated by the senior and youth participants.

This project is produced in collaboration with Honnai Aguado-Nielsen, Delaney Alvord, Jackie Anderson, Antonia Beil, Cindi Burgos-Be, Brenda Culhane, Judith Ford, Harvey Garnett, Tom Getts, Frank Gorretta, Lanaireoje “Bubbles” Hayes, Raina Heilman, Jacqui Jackson, Allen Julian, Marel Kalyn, Benjamin Kirchoffer-Talbott, Ausha Lathan, Dolores M. Peters, Lucia Sanchez-Ventura, Jan Starnes, Maria Tran, and Jackson Wolfe. It was designed by Molly Sherman, and printed and installed by Forge Graphic Works. 

I will have the chance to speak to Emily and the Hollywood Seniors about the way in which the process has been an expansion on the initial Being Old project soon. Until then, a visual synopsis of the process.
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